Sunday, May 17, 2009

Oh for Pete's sake...

I knew I should have chosen to read a book instead of get on the computer! It's 11:30pm, and I have to get up at 5:40am to do papers before starting a new job at 8am and what am I doing?
Guilt over not updating the blog frequently enough has driven me to ignore normal sleeping rules, (Rule #1, get a good night's sleep before getting up at the crack of dawn on the first day of a new job!!!) to post some recent pics!
Last year I decided that instead of buying both spring and fall school pics I would wait and buy only the spring ones. This was a brilliant plan for two reasons: first, you are allowed to see the spring pics BEFORE purchasing them whereas in the fall you have to make your purchase prior to the pictures even being taken. And second, this would eliminate all the excess pics. Plus the spring ones are usually cuter with a fun background. Well, the plan was working well until I saw this years' spring pics. Ugh...Can I just say; if you're going to use a green screen, make sure your portraits are in focus and that they stay that way when you add your background?!
Needless to say, I am now without pictures for the wall for this school year. So, being a photographer, I decided it was rather silly to be whining over this little dilemma when I was perfectly capable of going out and taking my own!!! Yesterday was a beautiful day (I even have the sunburn to prove it!) and since I now have weekends off (Yay!!) we went out and spent about two hours roaming around taking pics. I think I finally have some that are good enough for the wall! The following are some of the sillier scenes.
This one of Erich is just further proof of how I'm living in a boy house. Geoffrey had managed to gracefully hop onto this large rock in the middle of the stream (which was running FAST and COLD from the spring runoff). Well, Erich was having a harder time getting over there and finally he just jumped for it! (Check out the tongue hanging out of his mouth in concentration!)

My sweet Geoffrey perched on the rock.

Erich hamming it up. He was doing "Vogue" like poses as I was snapping.

This was one of my favorites of Geoffrey. (It may make it on to the wall!!)

This was J.C.'s "Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" pose! They're definitely monkey's!
Well, now that it's midnight, this post is going to have to satisfy my guilty conscience! More to come!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I write on my blog as well as I write in my journal!

It's weird how someone who LOVES to write can be so lax about writing on a blog or in a journal. Wait, I just thought of something: Does writing weekly blogs for the store blogspot count?! Hmmm...some things to ponder.

Actually, I do have an excuse. It's called "I had a life but my job ate it"! I have loved my job at Sierra's. I love what I'm doing in beading and I really enjoy my work as a manager. I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm one of those weirdos that actually enjoys retail. However, I have discovered that I haven't made the transition to being a working mom as gracefully as I'd hoped and numerous things have fallen by the wayside. Ah well...

As some of you know, I'm changing jobs. It was a hard decision and alot of factors went in to making it, but a coworker (and friend) made a comment that I couldn't shake. She said, "At the end of the day, it's just a job and you have to do what's best for your family." That's what made the decision for me. Doing what's best for my family. This new job will give me the consistency of schedule that my boys need: no weekends or evenings, Mondays off and the chance to be home with them after school. I may even have the time to pick up some piano students which is something that I really miss.

I guess what I'm saying is that, hopefully soon I will get the blog all caught up! I have pictures from February on that I took with the specific intention of posting them, so soon you can all know what we've been up to! But for now, time for sleep because in a few hours I have to start it ALL over again!